Sewing a Pleated Minnie Mouse DisneyBound Skirt

Very soon I will be heading to DisneyLand in Tokyo for the very first time! I’m excited about this trip, so to put that excitement into something usable I’ve been planning and making outfits. The first one was a mermaid skirt to wear to DisneySea, but this time I’m making a red skirt with white spots to DisneyBound as Minnie Mouse herself. This project was planned in the “winging it” style, and meanders along the kind of path you would expect for a project with minimal planning. But I finished it in the end, and this is a fun skirt to wear!

Creating a Little Mermaid Skirt

Dineybounding is heaps of fun! I’ve done it a few times and it always makes me feel a little special. Later this year I will be going to DisneySea for the very first time, so wanted something exciting to wear. And what better character to Disneybound as than the original ocean princess; Ariel. Plus I’ve wanted an excuse for a long time to use the gorgeous mermaid fabric, which is perfect for The Little Mermaid!

Be My Galentine Mockingbird

For February, the Geek Fashion Blogger Alliance theme was Galentines! The challenge was style an outfit based on a lady in fandom that inspires you. I chose to style my outfit after Mockingbird, Dr. Bobbi Morse. She is a scientist, a spy, and an incredible sassy character. Her most recent comic series was tragically short, but was long enough for me to fall completely in love with Bobbi’s character.

Evil Queen and the Poison Apple DisneyBounding

The older I get the more I tend towards the aesthetic and character of the villain in Disney movies. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my Disney Princesses! But I find the villains have much more exciting outfits in most instances. This outfit is styled after the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, because I’ll take almost any opportunity to wear a cape and this awesome apple necklace!

Nerdvember Challenge 2017 – Week Three

Have passed the halfway point in my Nerdvember challenge and I’m still having heaps of fun! I’m very much enjoying having conversations with people about accessories and clothing as well as the show or book they come from or are inspired by. It has been an absolute highlight of Nerdvember so far for colleagues and friends to greet me with something along the lines of “so what are you wearing today?”