Closet Cosplay Challenge for March: Video Game Hero

The theme for the March #monclocoscha challenge was Video Game with the challenge word of Hero. My very favourite video game, for which I have sacrificed many hours, is Skyrim. And the main character for Skyrim, the character you are playing, is always the hero… right? Even if they’re part of the Dark Brotherhood?

I’m legitimately working on a proper Skyrim cosplay at the moment. I roped my engineer brother into helping with the lights. I did all the work, but he provided excellent instruction. I’m really proud of my work! I feel like I’ve been working at an in-game arcane enchanter table to wire magical LEDs into this staff skeleton, even though it’s just a cluttered table in the corner of my lounge room. Next step is to fit the working parts into the staff without melting anything, then I get to make it pretty!

But there will be time enough to talk about my craft projects when they’re done. This is about a closet cosplay challenge! Skyrim is a game I have devoted a lot of time to, and each time I restart it I join the Dark Brotherhood. It’s an excellent way to gain lots of XP in sneaky things! Plus I love how they are depicted as a family that supports each other, no matter how messed up that might be under the circumstances.

Bethesda has some gorgeous merchandise in their webstore, that’s where I picked up this hoodie. I love wearing it because it’s a little bit gothy, a little but nerdy, and really just a hoodie that looks like most other hoodies so it’s perfectly fine to wear as civvies. But if someone spots the reference, there’s a moment where you both know you’re geeks and it’s wonderful!


The #monclocoscha challenge is a monthly closet cosplay challenge run by @breezeeweezee and @zeveelia over at Instagram. Every month there is a different theme, plus a challenge word. For March, it was Video Games with the challenge word of Hero. 

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