Doctor Who Experience

Doctor Who is a tv show that holds a special place in my heart. It taps into my desire to see and explore the world with wonder. Doctor Who is mostly filmed in the BBC studios in Cardiff, so when I was vaguely in that part of the world I couldn’t resist wandering past (making a beeline for…) the Doctor Who Experience. Sadly I missed the dates for touring the actual studios where the filming takes place, but the Gallifrey Museum was amazing and well worth the trip.


To start with, we all walked into the Gallifrey Museum led by our red robed guide and were given museum passes to protect us from the artifacts we were about to see. This was all derailed by the Doctor accidentally landing the TARDIS in the museum after being attacked by space squid. We then went on a mini adventure to help him out, I even got to pilot the TARDIS for a bit! In the end we saved the day and it was all very dramatic. The only problem was the Doctor left us in 1963. The up side of course being that we got to explore lots of Doctor Who costumes and set pieces as we wandered back up through the time stream.


While wandering through the exhibits I had the chance to meet The Face of Boe;


And a representative of the Ood;


Managed to avoid getting upgraded by the Cybermen;


And stayed very very still to hide from the Dalek;


Got to look at many TARDIS consoles;


As well as some pretty scary props;


I received some pretty sage advice;


And many other things in sure I’ve forgotten;


It was amazing to be so close to to many costumes, props and figures. makes me flag in on an adventure!


I even managed to remember to wear a pair of my Doctor Who socks for the occasion !


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