The Day an X-Wing landed at my train station

One morning in early December, bleary eyed form the early hour and not having reached the optimal blood-to-caffeine ratio in my system yet, I stumbled towards the escalator to complete the last leg of my morning commute to work, and stopped dead in my tracks when I spied an X-Wing parked at the front of the station! It looked like the pilot had just run in for a morning coffee somewhere and got jack of looking for a parking spot in the city so just pulled up on the station forecourt. No, really….

After confirming that I hadn’t just lost it, I took a closer look and found out you could get in the cockpit! Which I did of course. Wouldn’t you? And I took this magnificently blurry selfie from the pilot’s seat. I’m going to trick myself into thinking it’s movement blur and not just me being excited about pretending to pilot an X-Wing! I may have made “whoosh!” and “pew! pew!” noises too.

Thankfully the attendant was much better at keeping a steady hand than me, and was making significantly less “woosh!”ing noises, so managed to snag this long-shot of me piloting an X-Wing while the real pilot waited in what must have been the longest coffee line of all time.

The X-Wing landing at Spencer Street Station then was gone two days later. It was the most exciting bit of marketing for the upcoming Star Wars movie I have seen so far!

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