Hello world

Hello, my name is Katie. I like reading comic books and making things. My bookshelves are well organised, but wherever I craft a humungous mess appears. It is possible that I like socks a little too much, but wearing my Doctor Who socks to work makes me feel like I’m getting away with something.

This is my personal blog. Welcome to my tiny piece of the internet. I wanted a place to put thoughts about the pop-culture I was consuming and any other things that itched at my fingers to be written about. So starting a blog seemed to be the logical thing to do! I will mostly be writing about the comic books that I’m reading and the costumes that I’m working on, but I also see movies and attend conventions here in Australia, so I’m sure I’ll write about those too.

Hopefully there are other posts than this one by the time you find yourself here. I look forward to writing pop-culture-y things for you to enjoy!

Batman's 75th Birthday

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