Musical Closet Cosplay Challenge

For May, the monthly closet cosplay challenge theme was music. Music is absolutely not my forte, when you see me wearing headphones it’s significantly more likely I’ll be listening to a podcast or an audiobook than music, and nobody (no really, nobody) wants to hear me attempt to make music. So this was quite a challenge for me!

Enter Dazzler, genre shifting musical genius with her very own light show. I first read her as a main character in A-Force, but wherever she pops up in comics she’s a blast!

Music isn’t my forte, but it is Dazzler’s, so I tried to channel her. 

For this, I dusted off my disco balls fully sequined formal dress that I haven’t had occasion to wear in years.  It’s not quite a disco jumpsuit, but it has the sparkle of disco. I think Dazzler would love it!

The makeup was heaps of fun, it felt like face-painting with eye shadow. I tried to copy the pattern from my Dazzler action figure in blue eyeliner then filled it in with different shades of blue eye shadow. Even put glittery white around the edges for highlight! I’m far from a makeup expert, so this was pretty advanced for me! 

Didn’t have a microphone handy, so just grabbed a rattlecan in vaguely the right shape so I could pretend to sing.  

Because of the glittery dress I did try extra glitter on my face too, but that didn’t quite work out.  But there is sparkle in the eye shadow so I still feel pretty sparkly! Plus I had a whole bunch of fun dancing around in front of the self timer function on my phone taking lots of silly selfies. The whole thing was a blast!

Thanks are due to @breezeeweezee and @zeveelia for this awesome challenge, it’s always a blast!

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