Natural Closet Cosplay Challenge

Nature closet cosplay challenge, with a bonus being the elements? I had to be Poison Ivy. I’ve always admired her, she’s so confident in her opinions and her body and her life. But I’ve never really thought of being her as she’s, well, green.

I’ve never done anything even remotely approaching body paint before, and I’m not very good with makeup. But I had an evening free and a spare pot of green eyeshadow so I figured, why not give it a try? 

Started off with an outfit of a plain black top I usually wear to work tucked into a I lovely silky rose skirt I made to attend a wedding a few months ago, plus a curly red wig that has been doing work for this closet cosplay challenge.  I swear it’s been in half the outfits! 

Next I dug in the back of my closet and unearthed a collection of plastic/fabric flowers I stashed there years ago with the vague notion of making a flower crown out of them for a future event. Made a wreath of ivy leaves by binding a few concentric rings of vines together with florist’s wire, then stuck different coloured roses and cute little white flower sprigs into the wreath. 

Then it was time to be green. I got everything else together first because I was kindof nervous about this part and wanted to be at the point of no return before I gave it a try.

Used a pot of eyeshadow and a big makeup brush. This got the eyeshadow all over my skin really well, but also all over my bathroom. It was super fun! Did plan on trying to get a few nice tones into the face, but the slight glitter of the eyeshadow is kinda pretty, so after matching my eyebrows I just left the green as is.

This was way more fun than I expected! I love doing little experiments like this when I have an evening free and I really like the results. And it gave me another opportunity to flounce around in this skirt, which is always awesome.

The eyeshadow rubbed off pretty quickly and if I was to wear something like this outside of the house I would have to look into real body paint, but that seems less intimidating now. Of course practice would be needed, but when is that not true of anything to do with cosplay? 

Plus I think I look pretty good green!

As always, thanks are due to @breezeeweezee and @zeveelia for their awesome monthly closet cosplay challenge.

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