Nerdvember Challenge 2017 – Final Week

This is the final week of my Nerdvember challenge. Well, week and a bit really. I’m a little sad Nerdvember is coming to a close, it has been a blast to put together different nerdy outfits to wear during the month. These last nine outfits have some of my favorite pieces in them. Gotta save the best for last after all!


Day 22 – Star Wars

Rogue One was a great movie, possibly my favorite Star Wars movie. This scarf from ThinkGeek is a lovely subtle show of affection for the movie, unless you pair it with Star Wars leggings of course! Then subtlety falls by the wayside. Also paired it with star earrings from Creep Heart and this pendant that isn’t actually anything to do with Star Wars, but I think looks a tiny bit like the Death Star as well as just being pretty.


Day 23 – Tardis Day

I was lucky enough to visit the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff before it closed it’s doors. While there I picked up some great pins that I can wear for Tardis Day! Added in the Dalek tshirt and mechanical legs that remind me of Cybermen. Now if only I could get the sonic screwdriver to work for real.


Day 24 – Warhammer

Couldn’t let Nerdvember pass me by without playing with my toy soldiers! I’m in the process of building up an Emperor’s Children Warhammer army to throw into the fires of combat. For this outfit I wore my chaos hoodie and pin that I picked up on my trip to Warhammer World, and my Harlequins badge (my other favorite army) that was won in a competition, sadly not by me.


Day 25 – Tea Dragon Society

For the 25th day of Nerdvember my comic book club, All Star Women’s Comic Book Club, was lucky enough today to have Katie O’Neill the creator of our book of the month The Tea Dragon Society visit us. It was so great to chat to her about this delightful book and hear her insights about the story and the characters. Next time I read it I’ll keep her words in mind! Being Nerdvember of course I had to dress in theme for the occasion! Plus its fun to dress for an occasion so it’s likely I would have put together an outfit anyways… Wore my green dragon scale leggings from Wild Bangarang along with my awesome teapot pendant I found in an actual tea shop, Creep Heart teacup pin and earrings, and Welsh dragon pin.


Day 26 – Spiderman

Having action figures means I can make my own fanfic at any time. And wearing this tshirt from Rogue Screen Printing means I can make a lot of geeks laugh,flinch or get really very mad.. but mostly laugh! I paired it with my Spidey cardi as a nice bright end of my little holiday and the last casual clothing day of my Nerdvember challenge.

Day 27 – Beauty and the Beast

For the 27th day of my Nerdvember challenge I wore this lovely Beauty and the Beast stained glass window scarf and a tiny little rose pin I found in Adelaide this week. Even my regular lion ring looks a little like the Beast, so I guess that means I get to claim the title of Beauty! I also wore my Vanyans corset pendant under my scarf as a bit of a wish; one day I’d love to commission her to make me a Belle gown.

Day 28 – Firefly

This tiny Firefly necklace from RockLove is both lovely and subtle for Nerdvember challenge at work. I paired it with this floral blouse as it is the closest thing I have to a Hawaiian shirt so I could be Wash and pilot the ship.

Day 29 – Locke and Key

Locke & Key is one of my favourite comic book series and one of the few which has been so creepy that I genuinely needed a pallet cleanser of an adorable comic about happy things after it in order to sleep. There is a lot to chew over in the concepts. Of all the keys I’d love to have a real Anywhere Key the most. Though a Head Key would be super handy! Wore some of my Locke & Key pins from Skelton Crew Studio today across my collar for Nerdvember, plus my old Ankh pendant as a ninth key.

Day 30 – Jiminy Cricket

Final day of my Nerdvember challenge! I’m bringing it home with this adorable Jiminy Cricket pendant from Disney Couture. At least I can end Nerdvember with a conscience to guide me, even if I may have lots of siliness to show me the way as well!


Nerdvember was a lot of fun! I discovered many badges, trinkets and bits of clothing in boxes and behind plainer clothing and got the chance to wear them again for the first time in ages. This challenge has really inspired me to more regularly add nerdy things into my wardrobe, particularly at work. I feel like I’ve been able to throw together some interesting outfits and I absolutely got what I was looking for when I went into this challenge; a little bit of fun!

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