Nerdvember Challenge 2017 – Week Two

One week of my Nerdvember challenge down and now we’re moving on to the second week! I’m having a lot of fun re-discovering nerdy things I’d burred in boxes and forgotten about. Looking forward to making many new discoveries as the month goes on.


Day 8 – Vault 111

Even though the start of the second week of Nerdvember isn’t a Monday, I felt like pulling out a post-apocalyptic theme with this Fallout Vault 111 hoodie from ThinkGeek. Carrying the theme over I added power armor socks, a zombie unicorn scarf, snake bone earrings, and this super cool wolf skeleton necklace that looks like Dogmeat met with an unhappy end. The necklace came from Artist’s Ally at a convention and I wish I could remember who the artist was who made it!


Day 9 – Wonder Woman

My lovely Wonder Woman necklace is again from Guild Jewellery, before this month’s challenge I didn’t realise how many of their pieces I had! Sparkly scarf was picked up randomly from a Zing store whilst on a “I’m looking not buying” shopping trip. I get so many compliments on the colour of this scarf while at work and people are always surprised when I reply that it’s a Wonder Woman scarf! To me it’s obvious, but apparently this is a subtle nerd scarf?


Day 10 – Skyrim

Skyrimis one of my all time favorite video games, I have spent many many hours wandering around the game world. This Skyrim hoodie from ThinkGeek is so snuggly and wonderful for playing games in, but to was worn to my work for the tenth day of Nerdvember for casual Friday. It does always feel like I should be going on an adventure while wearing this hoodie!


Day 11 – Queen of Hearts

The extra challenge of my 11th day of Nerdvember was dressing for the Bianca del Rio comedy show, which was fabulous, I laughed so hard I cried! I tried to channel the Queen of Hearts with the lovely heart shaped brooch from Jubly-Umph, sword earrings from the Gladiator exhibit I went to at Queensland Museum, lovely warm red shawl, and Queen of Hearts dagger necklace from Disney Couture. All styled around my Vanyanis top, which I will wear any time I want to feel fancy because I feel so pretty while wearing it.


Day 12 – Batwoman

Nerdvember day 10 was all about crafting and Batwoman. Wore a comfy outfit as I spent most of the day crafting, but also wore two things that have been modified. The hat had the ears added by a friend, and the leggings used to have little white bat symbols on them before I attempted to dye them bright red. Didn’t quite get the red right, but this colour isn’t too bad. The Crafty Girl Gang pin and the awesome Batwoman pin are both from Jubly-Umph, the cosplay shield pin is from a cosplay Humble Bundle that happened a while ago and I don’t get much of a chance to wear. I’m really loving the excuse Nerdvember gives me to wear awesome things!


Day 13 – Ms Marvel

This is probably the closest I have come to cosplay during Nerdvember with this awesome Ms. Marvel scarf that I made. I’m a little bit in love with this scarf. I did use far too much fabric for it, 3m is too long for a scarf even if you want it to be really flouncy! The pencil bolt pins were a successful kickstarter by Jahar Design and I think they’re super cute.


Day 14 – Black Widow

For the final day of the second week of my Nerdvember challenge I wore my Black Widow cardigan from Elfoffer Designs to work to send the week out in style! I paired it with the shiny new Chaotic Good alignment pin that arrived from AwfulGood just the night before. I think Black widow would definitely fit into that alignment!


Second week of my Nerdvember challenge and the weather is up and down all over the place! It was a little tricky to plan this week as I was never quite sure what to expect from the weather. But I think I managed a few somewhat decent outfits. Looking forward to the challenges of the third week of Nerdvember.

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