Nerdvember Challenge 2018 – Week Three

Week three of Nerdvember means we’re over half way through! That’s both sad and exhilarating. I love planning and wearing geeky outfits, so here is what I came up with this week.  


Day 15 – Sailor Mars

This long red cardi is one of my favorite cardis because it is both flouncy and work appropriate. The red compliments this cute Sailor Mars pin from Stami Studios really nicely! Wore it with the luck token I got in Kyoto. Sailor Mars is my favourite Sailor Senshi!



Day 16 – Charizard

This Charizard souvenir jacket came from the Pokemon Center in Osaka, as soon as I saw it I knew it had to come home with me. Wore this into work for casual Friday because of course I did! Pinned this Johto pin from Pastel Grandma’s Kickstarter to my tshirt so when I wasn’t wearing the jacket I’d still have a little bit of Pokemon with me. Pokemon Gold/Silver wasn’t the first Pokemon game I played, but it was the first one I became obsessed with. I always pick the fire starters, Cyndaquil is great, but I miss Charmander because Charizard really is one of the coolest Pokemon! 



Day 17 – Khorne

Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!
Thankfully the only bleeding I did during Nerdvember Day seventeen was when I was clumsy while crafting. I’m sure Khorne will be displeased, but I’m sure he’s got plenty of better options elsewhere. Plus I’d really like to keep using my skull!  These leggings are from Wild Bangarang and I love them! The badges are from Warhammer World in Nottingham, I’d really like to visit there again some time soon. The sword earrings are from the amazing La Vidriola.



Day 18 – Slaanesh

Kinda decided to do a Warhammer weekend and jump between two of the chaos gods. Wild Bangarang has such an awesome range of Warhammer leggings I’m a little spoilt for choice! I would love to see a Tzeentch design in the future though, if there’s any chaos good I’d actually follow, it wound probably be him. Because books and learning are where I’m happy. But for Nerdvember day eighteen I have the Slaanesh leggings! Plus Lewis chess pieces on a necklace from the British Museum because they look purply and cool.



Day 19 – Nightfury

My Toothless and Lightfury pins from Weishi Art arrived this week! I love them! Aren’t they the cutest things things? I love placing facing pins on either one of my shoulders on a cardi so they look like they are gazing at each other. These ones are particularly adorable. 



Day 20 – Skyrim’s Dark Broherhood

My two favorite guilds in Skyrim are the Mage’s College and the Dark Brotherhood. I always tend to play a sneaky archer type, but I like being able to throw the odd fireball when the situation allows. These gorgeous pins are from Sword and Whetstone, and the Dark Brotherhood pendant is from the ever amazing Rocklove Jewelry.



Day 21 – Black Panther

Ok, so, when I first got these Kimoyo beads from Rocklove Jewelry I squealed! They still give me a thrill of excitement every time I put them them on because they are so damned cool. The matching necklace and earrings of course also come from the same talented maker. Special guest star today is an adorable kitty pin from Jess Kitty Parker which I got then immediately put on because look how awesome it is!



Week three of Nerdvember means we’re over half way through, but I feel like I’m just getting started! I know I can wear nerdy and themed outfits whenever I want, but I do love a clothing challenge. The ‘excuse’ of Nerdvember to bring out some of my less-worn nerdy clothing is just sublime. I’m looking forward to moving into the final week of Nerdvember and wearing lots of fun things!  

This challenge is based on one created by Set to Stunning way back in 2013. I am lovingly following the path they laid down. 

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