Northern Closet Cosplay Challenge

For July, the monthly closet cosplay challenge theme was True North (Strong and Free). Now, I’m Australian, and from southern Australia at that, so this phrase held little meaning for me. However, I do have access to Google, and Google told me it meant Canadian. So I decided to try to channel my favourite clone of a cranky Canadian Laura Kinney. Yay Wolverine!

As always I left things to the last minute as there’s nothing like the last minute to get stuff done.

Luckily my darling husband loves wearing flannelette shirts, so I pinched this one as the yellow and blue have always reminded me of Wolverine. Then all that was left was to hold my butter knife claws in my fists and pull cranky faces for long enough for my camera timer to not catch me giggling and done! Wolverine!

This was a lot of fun. I always enjoy trying to portray a character like this in front of a camera. There was a lot of laughing! Of course, featuring butter knives from the kitchen because I was spreading peanut butter on crackers when I came up with this idea.

As always, thanks to Breezeeweezee and Zeveelia for the excellent monthly challenge prompts. 

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