Rainbow Closet Cosplay Challenge

Green Lanterns are pretty awesome. My Green Lantern spectrum necklace is part of my regular everyday wardrobe as it looks amazing, makes a pleasant clicking noise when I move, and I love the idea of all the Lanterns working together towards a common goal. It’s an idealistic mindset, but I like it anyways.  

I wore my Green Lantern bomber jacket and mask to Supanova Sydney, It’s been a while since I’ve been to an interstate con and I had a blast! I loved speaking to other Lanterns I saw there so much, it’s always a pleasure to speak with other cosplayers. 

I’m also counting this for June’s monthly closet cosplay challenge fitting the rainbow theme. The lantern spectrum is a rainbow, and while my jacket is green I always wear the full rainbow of lantern corps in my necklace.

As always, thanks to Breezeeweezee and Zeveelia for the excellent monthly challenge prompts. I’ve loved seeing everyone’s interpretation of this rainbow theme ♥

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