Read Comics in Public Day 2015

Read comics in Public day is an annual geek pride day where I am able to note my comic book reading kinfolk, politely smile and nod a them and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I must admit that I often read my new Wednesday comic books on my long commute home and the looks I sometimes get are both hilarious and sad, so a day where I spot someone reading a comic while drinking coffee in a café, sitting on a park bench and on the same tram I’m riding I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside my cold black heart.

This year, I decided to read Guardians of the Galaxy, a thick trade that lasted me through my long commute to work. I have been meaning to read it for a long time, so Read Comics in Public Day was the day! This book is epic, full of aliens and space adventures with truly spectacular art. One day I will do a proper review of it. The lady across from me on the train seemed to be horrified and intrigued in equal parts.

Here are my pictures from the train trip home when the light was better and most people had already gotten off at their stops. One is posed and the other was snapped while I was actually reading the book. Can you tell which is which?

comic book posing   comic book reading

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