Read Comics in Public Day 2017

Happy Read Comics In Public Day! What better place to read a spooky horror comic featuring a creepy murderous child than underneath a lonely street light in the park at night? I love Read Comics In Public Day because I see more people than normal enjoying reading all kinds of comics in parks, while sitting and enjoying delicious beverages in cafes, while on public transport, and everywhere! Reading horror comics on the train is always an interesting experience because people will always want to check out what you’re reading. Tonight on the train home was no exception!

I chose to read Rachel Rising, a horror comic recommended by one of the awesome ladies that organises the All Star Women’s Comic Book Club. I’m enjoying the hell out of it! It is a horror comic with a mystery at the heart of it about why the dead main character keeps getting up and walking around. The art is beautiful black and white line art that makes even the gruesome moments stunning.

After snapping this picture on the walk home, I took this scary comic back to my brightly lit lounge room to finish it off. Reading about Zoe and her friend Jack that close to a dark and (in context) spooky playground was a bit much for me. At least I had the pool of light to languish in!

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