Read Comics in Public Day 2020

Comics are the awesome. Not being able to share that love via a silly annual observance due to a pandemic is not. 

Today is Read Comics In Public Day. Initially I was going to let it go past and look forward to next year, but I just didn’t want to. I always looks forwards to Read Comics In Public Day, even though it’s a simple silly little thing and it made me sad to see it pass by without observing it. So I took my comic out to my front door and sat on my front step to read. Because why not?

I’ve been reading a lot of comics recently. Particularly I’ve been going back over old favourites, such as The Sandman series, or focusing on uplifting stories, like Squirrel Girl. But for this read Comics In Public Day I chose something appropriately post-apocalyptic.  

Lazarus is set in a world with limited resources where certain families rule over “the Waste”. And the Lazarus who is the main character protects her family. It’s an engaging story!

And of course I had to take this opportunity to wear my All Star Comics tshirt that recently arrived in the mail. Can’t wait until I’m able to visit my favourite comic book shop again.  

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