Sartorial Geek’s Fashion Fix Challenge: July 2020

The Sartorial Geek Fashion Fix Challenge is one of my absolute favourite geek chic challenges I’ve ever participated in. There’s always fun people on the hashtag and I inevitably discover a new exciting way to style clothing that I can incorporate into my own style. 

This time was no different! Plus I had a lot of fun styling looks in a slightly more low-key way. I tried to pick one piece (even just a tiny piece!) that would fit with the theme and the rest of my outfit was reasonably plain. It felt great! I love wearing geeky things! 

Week 1: Rise Up!

The very first part of the challenge was all about rebels and underdogs rising to a challenge. Otherwise known as the best stories and characters! Stories about scrappy underdogs going up against a greater power and winning usually make fantastic stories, and this week I got to design outfits around three of my faves; Leia Organa, Captain Marvel, and the Chaos factions of Warhammer.   

First up is a look inspired by Leia Organa …because she’s holding a thermal detonator! Who better to kick off the Rise Up portion of the challenge than rebel leader Leia? The gorgeously detailed thermal detonator necklace is from Rocklove Jewelry, and it’s a blast to wear (yes I went there, no I’m not sorry!).

I always like how this jumper looks whenever I get a chance to wear it, however it is pretty much the only light coloured top in my wardrobe. Bring me that sith aesthetic…

Next for the theme of Rise Up is Captain Marvel. I love her movie, I admire her determination. How she can get up again and again to face the challenges that are thrown her way. 

Both cardis are from Elhoffer Design, and the green one on particular is in very frequent rotation in my wardrobe for the cooler months. I love the subtle geeky style, and a love when other geeks notice and get that little glimmer of knowing in their eye. It’s fun!

Lastly for the Rise Up themes is the Chaos Factions from the worlds of Warhammer. Painting Warhammer, but make it fashion?

The Chaos faction in Warhammer fit that category of Rise Up well, though maybe in a more evil way than the theme intends… I love my little chaos pin from Warhammer World, and my sword earrings from La Vidriola are perfection. I’m starting to paint up my Lord of Change model for my Tzeentch army, base coat is done, now I just need to put down some glittery paint!

Week 2: Ready Player 1

Games provide inspiration for week two. And who wouldn’t want to spend time chasing Pokemon in the Kanto region or wandering the picturesque landscapes of Skyrim right now? Maybe minus a few murderous bandits and agro Pokemon trainers, but hey, they do make the games more interesting!

Pokemon was a game I loved playing as a kid and I still enjoy now, my favourite starter was always Charmander. So with my Charizard jacket, this little Charmander and I have set our sights high!

The lovely grey weather we’re having at the moment gives me a wonderful opportunity to level up my sneak in the back yard. For the second gaming outfit I threw on my Dark Brotherhood hoodie from Skyrim and went exploring in my tiny yard. Who knows, maybe it is possible to level my sneak skills this way? Weirder things happen in Skyrim!

Week 3: Summer Reading

Looks inspired by books means only one thing for me…. comics!!!! I love a lot of book series, but recently I’ve been very much enjoying various comic books, in particular revisiting the world of the Sandman. It’s fun to style outfits around my favourite comic book characters, it makes me feel like i could be brave or wise or magical like them. Or even just have capes and cloaks that are perpetually blowing in the wind and looking cool in every panel. 

In honour of the comic series I’m currently deep into, I had to do a look inspired by the Sandman. Dream would probably love my hooded black jacket with space lining too, because he’s a dramatic nonsense creature! This jacket is super flouncy and fun to wear, but my absolutely favourite part of it has to be the hood. It always feels a little magical to wear.

The Adventures of Superhero Girl is a really good time. It’s also a webcomic that is absolutely worth spending some time reading. However, it turns out I don’t actually have any purple tops any more to match Superhero Girl (this really needs to be fixed!!!) but I do have a red cape/shawl thingie and a timer on my phone camera! 

Week 4: Missed CONnections

Week four was an opportunity to show off con outfits and cosplay we all would have worn for the fabulous geeky cons we are all missing this year. And… I just couldn’t. Usually my con experiences are incredibly low key events hanging out in Artist’s Alley to look at all the shiny things, maybe catching a panel or two, and enjoying a chat with a few people before collapsing exhausted at the end of the day. I’m really missing them. I was planning on pulling out my Novice Mage from Skyrim, or even lounging around the house as Jack Harkness, but the idea made me sad, so I didn’t

I’m looking forward to cons being up and running again when it’s safe for us all to celebrate our fandom together! Maybe I need to look into cosplays of masked characters to make the most of the restrictions.  

Week 5: Wanderlust

Wow to I feel the theme of wanderlust! I had plans for this year, and I do often dream of far off places… not quite tripping around the universe with the Doctor or going to other worlds, but you know, maybe New Zealand? Hopefully we’ll all be able to get back out into the big wide world at some stage in the future, but for now even a short trip to the supermarket seems to be an adventure.

What better style of jacket to wear in an adventure than a bomber jacket? This one is from Hero Within and makes me feel like Avengers support staff. Maybe I’m actually at the supermarket to get critical supplies for their next mission saving the world?

Next I wandered off to the pages of Monstress. It’s such a beautifully drawn story! I’d love to go there for textile/clothing shopping because wow… but I’d probably be killed or maimed if I stayed too long…

For the final outfit of this challenge I’m going to wander off with the Doctor of course! Might as well steal her jacket too. It’s cute, mine now! Super cute tshirt is from Jordandene and the excellent Doctor jacket is from Her Universe. I’ve been re-watching Doctor Who recently and loving the sense of adventure i feel from the episodes. It’s just such fun show to get absorbed into! Plus, a real life Tardis would be fantastic right about now. We could run off to see the stars.

And that’s all the outfits for this round! I did have a few other ideas, but sadly there was not enough time. I will have to save them up for the next time Sartorial Geek runs a challenge. And maybe next time, you could join me too?

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