Sartorial Geek’s Magical Menagerie

Week two of Sartorial Geek’s Geek Fashion Fix Challenge was a blast! It focused on the magical menagerie of our favourite fandoms and featured so many amazing magical creatures. 

I only managed two outfits, but this is absolutely a challenge category I’d like to revisit. There are so many good outfit ideas based around magical creatures and animal characters in fandom!

My first outfit was absolutely an excuse to wear my awesome Occamy pin from Edenki to work. I paired it with blue to match it’s colours and a sparkly silver scarf to match it’s coveted shells. 

When I took the test to see which Patronus I would have I ended up with an Occamy. This was before the Fantastic Beasts movie came out and I had no idea what an Occamy was, but I sure had fun finding out! Then the Fantastic Beasts movie came out and we got to see the beautiful Occamy that’s part of the story. I think they’re lovely!  

For my second outfit I wend back to a classic Disney movie from my childhood; Robin Hood. I watched this movie a lot as a kid and love the Oo-de-lally song. When Jordandene released this typography tshirt referencing it I jumped on it so fast! Alone it’s pretty amazing, but I really like the outfit I put together to go with it.

On my most recent op shop foray I was lucky to find this green leather bomber jacket. I’m a little in love with it. Plus it’s a perfect edition to this Robin Hood outfit. Along with the beanie from Whosits & Whatsits, and arrow earrings from Ashlea Bechaz it made what I think is a pretty cool Robin Hood themed Disneybound. Now I just need a Little John and we can go off on an adventure in the forest!

These challenges from Sartorial Geek are so great, I’m having so much fun with them! I’ve been thinking about all my favourite magical creatures all week and it’s been making me smile. Looking forward to week three of this challenge! 

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