Sartorial Geek’s Fashion Fix Challenge: October 2020

Weeeeeee! Another fashion challenge! I love participating in these, it’s excellent mental chewing gum for my skittery brain. And Sartorial Geek has given an excellent list of prompts this time. So let’s get started! 


Day 1 – Face Maskquerade

As Sartorial Geek aptly put it, face masks have become the accessory of 2020 (by necessity). But their necessity doesn’t mean they have to be boring. When is became clear that cloth masks would be required for leaving the house, one of the first things I did was order some interesting fabrics from Spoonflower, including this beautifully creepy eyeball fabric from which I was able to make masks. Must order more fabric and reuse the fabulous mask pattern from Ms. Makes, it is an excellent fit for my face. 

Day 2 – Shelfie

Most of my loungeroom walls are covered with bookshelves, and there are more dotted about the rest of the house. I use industrial racking as I’m pretty confident it’ll be able to hold up the contents, and sadly they aren’t particularly aesthetic. The challenging parts of this prompt was picking a shelf! 

Day 3 – Sweater Weather

Strangely, it is still sweater weather in Australia about a month out from proper summer. Which is an excellent opportunity to wear an adorable black cat cardi and convince my little Gremlin to model with me. Sadly, he’s far less enthusiastic about the prospect of it than I am.

Day 4 -Villains

What better villain than Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil? And this tshirt is my favourite thing that shows Maleficent. It originated when The Blonds collaborated with Disney for a NY Fashion Week runway, then produced a ready to wear line based on it, which was gorgeous and way out of my price range. After that, Disney took the designs and printed them on plain old tshirts, and that’s how I managed to get my hands on this fabulous Maleficent tshirt. It just feel so cool and I love it! I paired it with my green leather jacket because I don’t wear it enough and it makes me feel like a badass.   

Day 5 – Mythology

Had a bit of trouble with the mythology prompt, not because I had no ideas, but because there is so much cool mythology and I had no idea where to start! So here’s a version of the Morrigan as seen through The Wicked and the Divine lense. Wanted her to look like she was reaching out from the underworld like she does in the comics, so I got creative with my stash of black fabrics. The idea started at the birds necklace from La Vidriola and kindof spiralled from there. The Wicked and the Divine has such fantastic fashion in it, I’d love to fully make an outfit from it one day.

Day 6 – Cottagecore

Cottagecore isn’t my aesthetic, however I can absolutely appreciate the mindset. With the way 2020 is going who isn’t thinking of living more simply, independently, and further away from other humans? And eating fresh baked goods while watching the world go by is a wonderful way to spend time.

This year I was supposed to go to Hobbiton for Hobbit Day, and instead ended up googling up a delicious recipe for Lembas Bread which I still bake for a snack every now and again. This coupled with a lovely cup of coffee made me feel like my version of cottagecore. Then I just needed an outfit, because this is a fashion challenge after all!

Recently my Mum finished knitting me a beautiful corded cardi that I feel fits the cottagecore aesthetic, and wearing it makes me feel warm in more ways than physical warmth. So I sat down in front of my window with my snack, my drink, and my warm cardi and watched the world go by.  

Day 7 – Happy Halloween!

Woohoo spooky things! I don’t really celebrate Halloween, but I can absolutely appreciate a Goth Christmas when it comes around. And this year it falls on the night of a full moon, the second one this month, which makes it a blue moon too! So I wandered into my back yard wearing my full moon coin pendant from Shire Post Mint and my dusty blue shawl capelet and played with the moon. 

Fashion challenges are a whirlwind! This one I leaned more into the aesthetic than I did the clothing, but I still had a bunch of fun. Looking forward to the next one already, maybe I’ll see you in the hashtag.


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