Playing Slaanesh Daemons at CanCon 2020

So CanCon! Biggest Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournament in the world! Mainstay of the Australian Warhammer calendar every year and something I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time.

We traveled up to Canberra to take part, and I took a really fun Slaanesh army with me. Had planned on taking a Tzeentch one, but the rules changing not too far out from the tournament just knocked my confidence. So Slaanesh it was! And we had lots of fun together!   

Of course for a tournament of this size and with this much warning nobody would be crafting their models last minute. I definitely didn’t spend the afternoon before the tournament began in the hotel room basing my models… nope, not me!  

As this was my first big Warhammer tournament, and close to my very first tournament all together, I had two goals for CanCon;

  1. To not come dead last.
  2. To have fun!

And I feel like I achieved both of those goals. I ended up placing 183 out of 250, and winning 2 out of my 6 games, which I think was a pretty amazing effort! But more importantly, I was able to chat to each of my opponents and have a fun time. Plus I got to admire many beautifully painted armies and browse many fantastic hobby shops all in the same place. 

The army I took was a Slaaneshi Deamon army, but more designed for speed than generating depravity points. I hate nothing more than getting stuck while playing Warhammer, or not being able to move across the board quickly enough, so this army had lots of movement. Here’s what I took:

  • Godseekers Host from the Mortal Realm of Aqshy
  • Keeper of Secrets with the Sinistrous Hand and the Thermalrider Cloak
  • General – Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot with the Cameo of the Dark Prince and the Thrill-seeker trait
  • The Contorted Epitome with the Cleansing Brooch
  • Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh
  • 30 x Daemonettes
  • 30 x Daemonettes
  • 10 x Daemonettes
  • Umbral Spellportal
  • Arranged into the Supreme Sybarites and Epicurean Revellers battalions

One of the most enjoyable things about the weekend was the reaction I got to my sparkly deamons. I used Turbo Dork paint to paint them up and I thought they looked pretty neat, but I had so many people come up to me on the weekend and compliment me on my pant job. It was so flattering, and slightly overwhelming! Made me love the paint job even more! I even found another player who shared my love of glitter and had based their Khorne daemons entirely with glitter. They looked fantastic!

However, only one person I spoke to the entire weekend commented that my claws matched those of my Keepers. And that was my favorite comment of the weekend! 

CanCon was a lot of fun! Lots of games and chatting to people about painting and hobby and cool list ideas, and I always love the chance to hang out with a big group of nerds. These are my people and it’s such a comfortable feeling to be yourself in a space like that. 

Looking forward to going back next year, maybe with a sparkly Tzeentch army!

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