Street Clothes from the Dark Side

The type of geeky clothing I love best is the kind that it may not be immediately obvious that a geeky reference is being made. I love meeting people on the street that recognise the reference and give me a knowing look, usually with a cheeky smile attached. This outfit was just like that. It features bits and pieces from the dark side of the force with an overall red and black colour scheme. Plus, any opportunity to wear this fabulous Crylo Ren shirt from Jordandene is a good one!

I styled this sarcastic, wisecracking shirt with a red scarf, long black cardigan, and my red light sabre dangly earrings from La Vidriola. This outfit made me feel surprisingly put together, despite being comfortable and casual. The very best kind of outfit! Plus I did get a few smiles from strangers as they read the t-shirt and I appreciate those kinds of tiny connections.

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