Be My Galentine Mockingbird

For February, the Geek Fashion Blogger Alliance theme was Galentines! The challenge was style an outfit based on a lady in fandom that inspires you. I chose to style my outfit after Mockingbird, Dr. Bobbi Morse. She is a scientist, a spy, and an incredible sassy character. Her most recent comic series was tragically short, but was long enough for me to fall completely in love with Bobbi’s character.

Evil Queen and the Poison Apple DisneyBounding

The older I get the more I tend towards the aesthetic and character of the villain in Disney movies. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my Disney Princesses! But I find the villains have much more exciting outfits in most instances. This outfit is styled after the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, because I’ll take almost any opportunity to wear a cape and this awesome apple necklace!

Closet Cosplay Challenge for January: DC Villain

Sneaking onto the #monclocoscha challenge at the last moment for the January theme with a hastily cobbled together Bombshell Harley Quinn outfit was very satisfying. She’s my favourite version of Harley Quinn and I love this jacket. Any excuse to wear it is a good thing, and #monclocoscha fits the bill. Besides, the theme for January being DC Comics with the optional challenge of Villains. How could I possibly turn that down when Harley Quinn fits that perfectly!