Thought Bubble 10 Year Anthology

This year I will be going to the Thought Bubble Festival in Leeds. Insert excited squealing and hand waving here. I found out about this festival for the first time last year a few months before it was scheduled to start while searching for something else on the internet, then watched with mounting amazement and horror as almost every creator I have ever admired in comic books was announced to go. So this year I was determined that I would attend. This year will be the tenth year of the festival running so a special anthology collection was produced collecting the previous anthologies. I had to have this.

This anthology came out a month before the festival is due to start and less than a month from my flights. The collection of short stories represents such an astounding amount of talent that it really ramped up my excitement for this festival! Of course I need to wait for my flights and for the festival to start in the due course of time, but wow do I want to go now!


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