Twilight Closet Cosplay Challenge

September’s #monclocoscha prompt was twilight with a bonus of fantasy creatures. I struggled with this one. The only thing that kept coming to my mind was sparkly vampires and I was not going there! In the end I decided to lean into the goth and go for the Grim Reaper.

There’s some version of the Grim Reaper in most types of pop-culture, myths and legends, and very rarely are they depicted on a sunny afternoon. Besides, good old Grim is waiting for us all in the twilight of our lives.

This is an old costume and I love having the excuse to dig it out of the back of my closet. The robes go over a morph suit, so I can draw the mask up for a void face look, which can be truly terrifying. But this time I decided to play with makeup and see if I could make some kind of skull face. 

Of course, I had no idea what I was doing with the makeup, but I sure had fun doing it! I started with some very old white foundation, then gave myself the giantest panda eyes ever. The mouth was drawing a joker-style smile on my face with black eyeliner, then drawing on the crosses that made the rough shape of the teeth. The rest was “blending” with black eyeshadow on my fingers to make the teeth a bit roundy and to give the white base a bit of texture. Playing with makeup is always fun! 

Then it was time to head out to my favourite parking lot for some photos. We left it a bit late and had trouble finding light, but I think the result worked out well. 

Either way, the looks we got of the people going back to their cars at the back of the parking lot were priceless!




As always, thanks go to Breezee Weezee and Zeveelia for their awesome monthly closet cosplay challenge.

Death is the twilight of our lives. The Grim Reaper will smile at us all.

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