Venom for Marvel Villains Styling Challenge

For February, the Geeky Fashion Blogger Alliance theme was Marvel Villains. The challenge was style an outfit based on a villain from the Marvel Universe. I chose to style my outfit after Venom, because cool spider powers aren’t just for the good guys!

This month I kept my outfit simple by borrowing (with little intention of actually returning..) my husband’s venom shirt, then paired it up with a red belt and shoes to represent Venom’s deadly tongue. Originally I had on black jeans to complete Venom’s signature overall black outfit, but it made the look way too dark, even though it should have worked thematically. To fix this, I just swapped to lighter pants! Problem solved!

When wandering around town looking for interesting wall art to snap photos in front of I wandered past one of those inquisitive children who loves pop culture. I love these kinds of kids, it’s always so flattering to be compared favourably with super heroes! This one was adorable. Our little interaction went something like this;

Child: (to parent) That lady is Spider-Man, but all in black!

Parent: (to child) No she’s not! *looks apologetic and pulls child away*

Me: (to child) I’m Venom, way cooler than Spider-Man!

Child: Wow! *sparkly eyes*

Tiny little interactions like that are the best! I wish there were more adults around me when I was growing up that embraced their nerdy loves and let their geek flag fly. Everyone needs something to geek out over and to just enjoy in their lives. My thing is comics! What’s your thing?

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