Villainous Closet Cosplay Challenge

This month for the monthly closet cosplay challenge the theme was villain. So I went Nurgle. Recently I’ve been obsessed with Warhammer lore and I’ve started reading the Horus Heresy books. I’ve only dabbled around the edges of this universe in the past and I’m loving diving head first into the stories. Death Guard is always cast as the villain for me as I’m usually more of a devote of Tzeentch. 

This very impressive helmet I pinched from my friend Steve and it’s both absolutely gorgeous and completely gross. 

I had so much fun making my face all zombified using only powders and eyeliner pencils. I really wish I had thought to get some liquid latex or make some fake blood to do some gross wounds, but I think I ended up looking pretty creepy anyways. 

The rest of the outfit is directly from my wardrobe. The t-shirt has the chaos star printed proudly on the front and the long green jacket I picked up many moons ago from an op-shop.

But really, the hero of this outfit is the helmet. It’s amazing!  I really need to put a little more work into my own Warhammer 40K helmet… Soon!

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